Ivellious Egnald

CorporationUn-protected Plex
AllianceWarriors of the Blood God


Un-protected Plex
2023/05/14 05:07
Federal Navy Academy2023/05/14 05:06
2023/05/14 05:07
Remember The Fallen.2023/05/14 05:06
2020/07/11 03:33
Aliastra2020/07/11 03:32
2020/07/11 03:33
Un-protected Plex2020/07/11 03:32
2019/05/10 02:43
Aliastra2019/05/10 02:42
2019/05/10 02:43
Celestial Horizon Corp.2019/05/10 02:42
2018/12/04 03:41
Aliastra2018/12/04 03:40
2018/12/04 03:40
Nobodyz Home.2018/12/04 03:39
2018/08/10 04:19
Aliastra2018/08/10 04:18
2018/08/10 04:19
New Eden Industrial Navy2018/08/10 04:18
2018/05/09 01:11
Aliastra2018/05/09 01:10
2018/05/09 01:11
Mackinaw Empires Holding2018/05/09 01:10
2018/04/29 16:15
Aliastra2018/04/29 16:14
2018/04/29 04:21
The Walking Deads2018/04/29 04:20
2017/02/17 04:52
Aliastra2017/02/17 04:51
2017/02/17 04:52
Insignia of Khaos2017/02/17 04:51
2017/02/07 03:31
Aliastra2017/02/07 03:30
2017/02/07 03:31
The Hivemind Holding2017/02/07 03:30
2016/11/12 03:20
Aliastra2016/11/12 03:19
2016/11/12 03:17
Ninja Fat Cats2016/11/12 03:16
2016/09/25 03:22
Aliastra2016/09/25 03:21
2016/09/25 03:22
Jarlhettur's Drop2016/09/25 03:21
2015/08/27 00:51
Aliastra2015/08/27 00:50
2015/08/27 00:49
Bastion of Souls2015/08/27 00:48
2015/07/27 01:57
Aliastra2015/07/27 01:56
2015/07/27 01:56
The Dead Duck2015/07/27 01:55
2015/06/14 17:40
Expendable Miscreants2015/06/14 17:39
2015/05/31 02:14
Aliastra2015/05/31 02:13
2015/05/31 02:13
Under Dark2015/05/31 02:12
2015/04/26 20:36
Aliastra2015/04/26 20:35
2015/04/25 03:00
Estel Arador Corp Services2015/04/25 02:59
2015/04/24 00:28
Aliastra2015/04/24 00:27
2015/04/20 02:25
Expendable Miscreants2015/04/20 02:24
2015/03/26 21:25
Federal Navy Academy2015/03/26 21:24
2015/03/26 20:34